Availing itself of the best expert in the field, Aestetic Project launches the range Tisane, Herbal Teas.

Thanks to a careful extraction procedure of leaves, petals, buds, roots and bark, every part is worked with the most appropriate technique, for a proper and careful extraction of plant components. Different kinds of extractions have been used, such as decoction, infusion and maceration. In this way, a high percentage of main active ingredients is maintained, thus preserving almost intact healthy properties of the planta. They are not only herbal teas to drink…they can also be applied directly on the skin with cotton pads or can be mixed during the preparation of muds and masks belonging to Aestetic Project ranges.


Enhance the results with home care products

Tutto il potere del trattamento professionale antiossidante alle bacche di Goji a casa tua.

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