
An anti age caress for your face

5 pz

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Innovative and single use fabric, with elasticizing and tonifying active ingredients that make it very hydrating. Right after the first application the skin is more radiant and compact. The fabric perfectly adheres to the skin so that main active ingredients can be well released.

Cyclodextrins (tensor effect)
Sodium PCA , Hyaluronic Acid and Plant Collagen (moisturizing, regenerating)
Aloe Vera (moisturizing, soothing)
Ginkgo Extract (antioxidant, stimulates the microcirculation)
Echinacea Extract ( stimulating, re-epithelising, anti-inflammatory)
Ginseng Liposomes (tonic-stimulating)
Spa Water Oligo-Elements (hydrating, nourishing, normalizing)

Apply the moist fabric making it adhere perfectly to the skin. Leave to take effect for 10 minutes. Remove the mask and massage until the main active ingredients have completely absorbed.

Find out the professional treatment in your beauty center:

Enhance the results with home care products:

Complete line formulated specifically to nourish and protect the skin and treat the onset of the signs of age.

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